Rustic Reclaimed Wood Furniture
Hello, welcome to our company. A furniture company that makes reclaimed furniture and recycled furniture. In this discussion, I want to discuss rustic reclaimed wood furniture.
Okay, before doing a deeper discussion on this matter, I want to say a few things first. That is like an introduction to what it is about rustic. Rustic is a rough scratch. Surely you will immediately imagine what is meant by rough here.
If the use of the word rustic furniture is furniture with a rough surface. In the finishing process, there is no need to carry out a sanding or smoothing process on the surface of the furniture that has been made. The goal is to make it look more natural.
In our furniture company, we make rustic furniture, there are tools to make it beautiful and look natural. It aims to facilitate our work and work time efficiency. Because many retailers or furniture stores buy wholesale furniture for this type of rustic furniture.
For the process of making this rustic furniture, we choose quality materials. We sort every ingredient we get. We tested its strength first. We pulled out the nails that stuck to the used wood that we used to make rustic reclaimed wood furniture. So that it can give the best results with recycled wood material to be used as reclaimed furniture.
Reasons Why Choose Rustic Reclaimed Furniture?
I am sure that some rustic reclaimed furniture buyers must have good reasons why they should choose rustic reclaimed furniture as furniture for their indoor furniture. Some of these reasons can be enlightening for you if you are currently still in doubt if you want to buy rustic reclaimed furniture products. Here is the reason:
Unique shape and natural impression
By using rustic reclaimed furniture as we have explained above, with a rough surface on the furniture can bring out a natural atmosphere like a rural atmosphere.
Imagine first if the comfort and natural and calm atmosphere are in your home. Of course it will eliminate the feeling of fatigue that is in your mind right?To limit or reduce tree felling
Of course, the presence of products such as reclaimed furniture like this will certainly reduce tree cutting. Because we reuse old wood that is not used. If we continue to echo this trend, our forests will be safe and our earth will be healthy.
To reduce used wood waste
By utilizing waste or used wood, we can reduce the amount of used wood waste. The effects of non-recyclable waste will be bad for the environment. And the most dangerous is for our health. So let’s use reclaimed wood furniture for our home furniture needs.
Source Reclaimed Wood
To get used wood is really not difficult for us. And our company already has a subscription with a used wood dealer in our region. With good quality for further furniture making. Usually we will process it again so that our production results can be even better. However, if you want to know where we get the used wood from. The following is complete.
The most we use is usually from used wooden barns. Usually in rural areas there is a barn, which one of the functions is to store used goods that can still be used. If the amount is large enough, it will be sold to furniture craftsmen. To be used as a valuable furniture product.
Old Floor Planks Used Old
wood used old floor boards is a source of used wood. Most people, if the floor is made of worn wood, will repaint it. However, if it has holes or is badly worn, they will replace it with a new one. With such a person there is an opportunity for us to retrace it. We continue to sort out which used wood flooring is still used or not. Still our aim is to get the best ingredients.
Beams or wooden roofs of houses or buildings.
Used wood roofs can be used as rustic reclaimed furniture too. By removing the nails that stuck to the surface of the wood, then shaving the surface of the wood. So that the bad parts can be wasted. What shows is a good part of the wood from the roof.
Used old rails
If you get used wood from old rails you are very lucky. Usually the wood used for rails is the best type of wood. Usually used teak wood of the highest type. Because this type of wood is resistant to sunburn and extreme weather. However, there will be weathering if they are more than 50 years old. If we use it for home furniture, I think it will last longer. Usually the temperature at home is not that extreme.
Used boats
In Indonesia, there are many oceans. The people on the edge of the sea usually work as fishermen. They make strong boats that are not easily destroyed when hit by the waves of the ocean. Then choose a quality wood material. If it has been decades, the boats will be retired by their owners. And replaced with a new boat which is even stronger.
These used boats are the material for reclaimed boat furniture in our company. If you want to have reclaimed boat furniture, you can order it from our sales marketing via live chat below.Used doors
- Ancient people had door boards that were made entirely of wood. Until now in Indonesia there are still many houses that still use the whole wood. And we can make good use of used doors for furniture. To make various types of furniture.
Why is Reclaimed Furniture Expensive?
Some of you will definitely say why is rustic reclaimed furniture expensive? In our opinion it is indeed quite difficult to find quality raw materials and maintain a large shape in some countries, besides that the work to make rough with certain motives will also be difficult to do, besides that the natural aesthetic value is also increasing every day. the reason for the
Price of Rustic Reclaimed Furniture
Then how much is the price of rustic reclaimed furniture in this company? If out there rustic furniture is sold quite expensive, around thousands of dollars. Here you can order as many as you want. Because in our company you can order furniture according to your order. You want what kind of furniture design we can produce for you. You can also mix several product categories in our furniture company. And the price of rustic reclaimed furniture at our furniture company is quite cheap, which is still under $ 200.
Reclaimed Furniture Suitable for What Room Furniture?
To maintain the quality of the furniture you ordered, you can use this furniture for the room. If the material used is good quality teak wood, then there is no problem for outdoor furniture.
Well, that’s a little article that we can present to you. Below we recommend several websites that might make a reference for you to buy your favorite furniture. thank you
Jepara Wooden Furniture Manufacturer | Teak Wood Furniture Manufacturer